Sunshine Holiday Bliss

What is your definition of the perfect break? It is proven that taking a much deserved holiday has the following benefits: Reduces stress which… Gives your heart a break! Helps to rebuild your relationships with both family and friends Gives you the chance to rest your brain and… Work smarter when you return to work…… Continue reading Sunshine Holiday Bliss

Disappear to Dreamy Port Owen

The Western Cape is well-known for many things, but its true hidden gems are generally tucked away in the most unassuming of all corners, offering a slice of seaside heaven far from the madding crowd that can be found in more popular sites of the Cape. Enter the idyllic escape of Port Owen, found in…… Continue reading Disappear to Dreamy Port Owen

Port Owen Marina Celebrates Cellu-Beauty’s 12th Birthday

The Port Owen Marina Resort and Express Spa is located on the Cape West Coast which is one of the most popular destinations amongst tourists. Cellu-Beauty is an Italian inspired spa that offers wellness spas in luxurious resorts and hotels throughout South Africa. On Wednesday, the 1st of October 2014 Port Owen Marina celebrated Cellu-Beauty’s…… Continue reading Port Owen Marina Celebrates Cellu-Beauty’s 12th Birthday


On Thursday, 28th of February 2014 the Port Owen Marina Resort received the Business of the Year Award in the Tourism and Hospitality category. The award consisted of a certificate and trophy and was presented to the resort manager, Niel Havenga who is a member of the Velddrif Sakekamer. Velddrif Sakekamer is an organization that…… Continue reading PORT OWEN MARINA RESORT WINS BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD 2014